Under Construction
7000 Financial Management
Financial Management
- 7100 Budget and Program Planning
- 7110 Budget Implementation and Execution
- 7115 Monthly Finance Report
- 7120 Budget Adjustments
Accounting System
- 7200 Accounting System Design
- 7210 Fixed Assets and Management Discussion and Analysis GASB Statement 34 (Accounting System)
- 7215 Fund Accounting System (GASB Statement 54)
- 7220 Documentation and Approval of Claims
- 7230 Financial Reporting and Audits
- 7237 Retention of Records Federal Grants
- 7240B Programs for Native American Children
- 7250 Fund Accounting System
- 7260 Authorized Signatures
- 7270 Property Records
- 7280 Student Activity Funds
- 7300 Revenues and Grants
- 7305 Investment of Funds
- 7310 Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement
- 7320 Investment Earnings
- Allowable Uses for Grant Funds
- 7400 Payroll Procedures
- 7402 Restrictions on Contracts - Entities on Contracts
- 7408 Entering into Professional Service Contracts with Design Professionals, Construction Managers, and Professional Land Surveyors - The Request for Qualifications Policy
- 7410 Payday Schedules
- 7420 Salary Deductions
- 7430 Dues Deductions Payment
- 7435 Paycheck Disbursal
- 7440 District Credit Card
- 7450 Federal Cash Management
- 7455 Federal Debarment and Suspension
- 7500 New Fees or Increase of Fees
- 7501 Public Works Contracting and Procurement
- 7502 Public Procurement of Goods and Services
- 7510 Vendor Relations
- 7520 School Property Disposal Procedure
- 7530 Travel Allowances and Expenses
- 7540 Personal Reimbursements
- 7560 Cash in School Buildings
- 7580 Federal Cash Management