Social Studies
3rd Grade Social Studies
Geography Games
Learn geography skills while playing games.
4th Grade Social Studies
Geography Games
Learn geography skills while playing games.
Idaho Fish and Game
Learn all about fish and wildlife in Idaho: news, publications, research, education. A good resource for kids.
Idaho State Historical Society
This is a great site to begin a search for topics in Idaho history. Virtual tours, exhibitions, research and collections. Your topic is probably here.
Lewis and Clark by the Library of Congress
A great exhibition of artifacts, maps, and documents about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Go on the Virtual Tour. Link to other sites.
Idaho Links from the Library Spot
Start here to learn facts about the Gem State.
The Idaho Homepage
Idaho's official website. Start from this page to learn all about the state. Learn about the history of the states, maps, symbols, etc.
Ghost Towns of Idaho
See pictures and descriptions of Ghost Towns in Idaho.
The Oregon Trail
A great site all about the Oregon Trail. Explore the rich links in this site.
Lewis and Clark by PBS
Based on the Ken Burns film. All about the Corps of Discovery. Interactive trail map, archives, pictures, information about Native Americans.
Ghost Town Gallery
Scroll to the bottom of the page to link to ten ghost towns in Idaho. Great pictures.
5th Grade Social Studies
Geography Games
Learn geography skills while playing games.
American Revolutionary War: National Park Service
Link to Valley Forge National Park, Guilford Courthouse, etc. for fascinating information, pictures, videos about soldiers, officers, conditions during the Revolution.
Liberty! The American Revolution
Learn about the American Revolution. Test your knowledge with the Road to Revolution game. Learn about daily life in the colonies and important events leading to the revolution. Follow the military campaign. Many resources.
Benjamin Franklin
Learn about the life of Benjamin Franklin - includes a timeline.
Colonial Games and Toys
Find out what games and toys children played during Colonial times.
The 50 States - Including Biographies
Click on the name of a state and learn all kinds of information about it. Click "Famous People" to see short biographical sketches of some of the famous people from the state. Many have pictures.
Explorers of North and Central America
List of explorers with links to more information about explorers of North and Central American.
United States Map
U.S. Maps that teach.