Under Construction
8000 Non-Instructional Operations
- 8000 Goals
- 8100 Transportation
- 8105 Extracurricular Transportation
- 8110 Safety Busing
- 8110 Ex.1 Safety Busing Measuring and Scoring Instrument
- 8120 Bus Routes, Stops and Non-Transportation Zones
- 8130 Transportation of Students with Disabilities
- 8140 Student Conduct on Buses
- 8150 Unauthorized School Bus Entry
- 8160 Extra-Curricular Bus Service
- 8170 District-Owned Vehicles
- 8180 Bus Driver Requirements and Responsibilities
- 8185 Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers
- 8190 Authorization for Different Pick-Up or Delivery Point
- 8195 School Bus Emergencies
- 8200 Local School Wellness
- 8210 District Nutrition Committee
- 8220 Food Services
- 8230 District Nutrition Standards
- 8235 Water Consumption/Water Bottle Policy
- 8240 School Meals
- 8241 Unpaid School Meal Charges
- 8245 Competitive Food Services (vending machines, concessions, fund raising, etc.)
- 8250 Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sold Individually
- 8270 Teacher-to-Students Incentive
- 8300 Activity Trips
- 8320 Fire Drills and Evacuation Plans
- 8320P Emergency Drills Rules and Procedures
- 8400 Food Services
- 8400F(1) Letter to Households-Free & Reduced-Price School Meals
- 8400F(2) Application for Free & Reduced Price School Meals
- 8400F(3) Notice of Approval/Denial (Free & Reduced-Price School Meals)
- 8410 Nutrition
- 8500 Risk Management
- 8510 District Safety
- 8520 Inspection of School Facilities/Emergency Evacuation Plan
- 8530 Property Damage
- 8600 Records Management
- 8605 Retention of Records
- 8610 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
- 8700 Computer Software